Lip- or lymphedema?
The difference between lymph- and lipedema
Whether it is lipedema or lymphedema can be relatively quickly determined. We will give you some tips on how to recognize the difference. But please remember: edema can also occur in combination with other types of edema and can for this reason manifest itself as a pure form of lipedema or lymphedema or in other ways.
Lipedema | Lymphedema |
Symmetrical (example: both legs are fat) | Asymmetrical (Example: one leg is fat, the other one is not) |
Sensitive to pressure (pain felt when pressure is applied to the leg) |
Not sensitive to pressure (no pain felt when pressure is applied to the leg) |
Hematoma (frequent bruising) |
No hematoma (hardly any bruising) |
No eryspelas (inflammation is rather rare) |
Often erysipelas (common) |
Back of the foot unaffected (the skin on the back of the foot is nor swollen and can be pulled up without difficulty) |
Edema on the back of the foot (the skin on the back of the foot is swollen) |
Thumb test negative (the thumb leaves no imprint on the skin) |
Thumb test positive (the imprint of the thumb remains longer than usual on the skin´s surface) |
Ripply “orange peel skin” | Smooth plump skin |

Thumb test